MeteonormHistorical time series

Weather stations, satellite data and re-analysis data

From our measurement data archive we can provide you with historical monthly averages of different climate parameters of any meteorological station of your choice. These datasets are only available for the locations of measurement stations (no interpolations).

Based on our satellite and re-analysis data, we deliver historical time series for every location in worldwide.

Meteonorm time series

New: Meteonorm 8.0 allows access to historical time series of irradiation, temperature, humidity, precipitation and wind. The new archive contains hourly data since 2010 and is constantly updated. You can download these time series directly from the Meteonorm software. Read more.

Order process

To process your order we need the following information from you:

  • Station name and country
  • Longitude and latitude
  • Time period
  • Required parameters
  • Required data format

Based on your request we will check the availability of the specified time period and parameters. The final order will only be executed after your reconfirmation.