MeteonormWeb service (API)

Meteonorm data for digital applications

For digital applications, our web service API and our Dynamic Link Library DLL ensure platform independent access to all data and models of Meteonorm, from everywhere. This allows the intergration of Meteonorm data in web applications, simulation software, building design software or building information modelling applications.

The web service (API) is based on the same core and meteorological data as the Meteonorm software version 8.0. It provides typical meteorological years for any location by entering latitude and longitude of a site. All Meteonorm parameters can be returned as hourly or monthly values. The values are provided in different formats like JSON, XML or CSV. Additionally we offer a web service which is calculating the horizon line of the topography as well as the altitude.

You can find more information about the web service including technical description of the API and the pricing in the factsheet below.


Factsheet Webservice 2022Download